DigBoston and LeaguePodcast Comic Book Picks of the Week - September 7, 2011

Whoa, cowboys and girls! Last week we introduced you to the 52 DC Comics relaunch titles. We only slot three books a week, how can we possibly squish in those and Spider Island? Batgirl #1 from Gail Simone gets the marquee spot this week, beating out the big guys! The Barbara Gordon you remember from TV is out of the wheelchair and out on the streets! …Super sexy spy masterpiece Casanova: Avaritia #1 ports to our dimension Wednesday, written by Marvel’s Matt Fraction (Iron Man, Fear Itself)! …Sookie’s getting into vampiric trouble on Bourbon St. with IDW’s True Blood: French Quarter #1 - the sequel to the NYT best-selling miniseries. Picks by LeaguePodcast.com.
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