‘Dark Phoenix’ (review) at Forces Of Geek - Spoilers!
…there is an extended train fight, daresay, ‘train battle’ that of course perked me right up! Lots of metal for Magneto to play with in a train fight!
Read MoreNYCC: ‘Marvel Contest of Champions’: Gameplay and New Character Reveal
This year at New York Comic Con we stopped by the Kabam booth to try our hands at the latest from Contest of Champions. The mobile game features Marvel characters in head to head fighting action and has the distinction of adding new heroes and villains into the Marvel Universe. Have you been following the adventures of Venompool, Civil Warrior and Guillotine?
No, you, haven’t because these are brand new properties introduced exclusively for Contest of Champions.
We spoke with Contest of Champions design director Tim Molyneux on the New York Comic Con floor and he talked us through his job and what we can expect from the future, including the introduction of mystic character Morningstar and other new characters soon to be unlocked on a tablet or phone near you.
July 26, 2015 By
92 years young, Stanley Martin Lieber never did quite get to write that Great American Novel.
He did something far more impactful to generations of people: After changing his name to Stan Lee, he created the Marvel Universe. All praise its name.
Before I could make out the letters, I could understand fantastic cars whizzing through the sky in the comic books he’s been behind since the Marvel Universe big-banged its way into my life and the lives of countless other fans.
The Generalissimo himself continues to reign supreme in Hollywood thanks to the blockbusters emerging from his canon of work, and he still teaches online courses, writes and creates brand new comic characters, maintains his role as chairman and chief creative officer of POW! Entertainment, Inc, and of course remains chairman emeritus of Marvel Comics. On top of that, he is a certified movie star (just don’t call them cameos anymore).
Since the man behind Spider-Man and Thor and all the rest is coming to Boston Comic Con 2015, I had roughly 10 minutes to keep a tidal wave of geek freak out in check and chat with him over the phone.
So, how are you doing?
I guess that depends on how you treat me! I’m feeling fine and looking forward to coming to Boston and meeting my friend Ken. [Ed note: Ken Bold is Guinness World Records title holder of the world’s oldest comic artist, born Aug 1, 1920, and is celebrating a birthday at Comic Con].
What, if any, are some of your memories of Boston?
When were we in Boston last? Two years ago. I have great memories of it; we went to a convention and had a wonderful time. People were terrific.
How did you feel Ant-Man went? Was it great to see it come alive on the screen?
Ant-Man was terrific: The critics loved it, the fans loved it.
Read the rest at the Dig Site, please.
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NOTE: Thanks for all of your support & kind words!
Congrats, Stacey! These are great!
As a long time comic lover, and female, I am very pleased to see that Agent Carter has found a home on ABC.
This show is the perfect balance of action, wit, explosions, social commentary, and touch of humor.
Personally, I think Agent Carter was an unexpected choice of characters to carry a series from Marvel, with all of The Avengers movies I would have bet money that a Black Widow and/or Hawkeye would have been the next side project (which I would definitely support, for the record) but I can safety say that this show has far exceeded my expectations.
Let’s all take a minute to celebrate the life and times of the undisputed King of Comic Books, Jack “King” Kirby! Comic book, movie, sci-fi, and pop culture fans all owe this man practically everything. Jacob Kurtzberg (August 28, 1917 – February 6, 1994), was born to the poor Kurtzberg family. His mother encouraged him to draw and as a young man he eventually started on newspaper strips. His career got the biggest boon when he created Captain America in 1941 with collaborator Joe Simon. Timely Comics (later Marvel) had a winning team on its hands. After switching from company to company and working on various projects, Kirby teamed up with Stan Lee to create The World’s Greatest Comic Magazine in 1961, The Fantastic Four, creating, in that single issue, the start of the Silver Age of comics and resurrecting Marvel Comics from the Power Cosmic. That year begat stories resonating with fans to this day and influencing our favorite summer superhero blockbusters with timeless characters.
The saddest part of Jack Kirby’s legacy is that he is not often credited in these movies, nor was he ever rightly compensated for the work he did as a creator. Before the creator’s rights revolution, partially spearheaded by Batman’s Neal Adams in the 1970s, all work for comic book companies was work for hire. All characters (to this day, this is sadly true for the Big Two companies, unless a contract denotes otherwise) are property of the parent company to do what they like with them.
And that’s all fine, but it should shock and surprise you, and make you drop your cereal spoon, to realize that Jack Kirby’s heirs receive NOTHING when a movie likeCaptain America is produced.
Luckily, his family is cool, and so are the people over at the Jack Kirby Museum and Research Center. Let’s tell you a few things about the cigar smokin’, page crankin’, sonuvvagun that you might not know!
1. Ben Grimm / The Thing is Jack Kirby!
Well, we are sure that Jack himself didn’t get irradiated in space and turn into a rock monster, but we can be sure that The King saw himself in his creation. I bet he would have clobbered the Yancy Street gang with big orange fists if he could have. But Jack found more time for drawing on fish paper with a No. 2 pencil than he did for fighting, so I guess we are lucky.

Marvel NOW! is an exclamation, a reaction, and a well needed shot in the arm to the Marvel Comics properties this fall, 13 months after the reboot of the DC Universe known as DC New 52. The blockbuster movie summer is over and the company seems to be aligning the characters with the now familiar on-screen versions of our heroes. It’s not at all strange to see these announcements right after The Avengers Blu-ray hit the shelves. Here’s what we heard about and read about the Marvel NOW! books at New York Comic Con this weekend.
Shocker! The Amazing Spider-Man is 50 years old this month and is approaching issue #700!
What happens after such a long string of numbers? They decide to call it quits and start again at a new number one.
We were aghast to see this happen to Detective Comics and Action Comics last year but really we got over it, especially with Grant Morrison taking on Superman and NYCC celebrity all-stars Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo dropping Batman #13, reintroducing The Joker last week. The relaunched Spider-Man title will be The Superior Spider-Man, (January 2013) written by longtime Spidey-writer Dan Slott. Here’s the rub though—it ain’t Peter Parker behind that mask, and he’s making out with Mary Jane. No secrets about this hero revealed at the Con, but the new Spider-Man is someone we are familiar with in the 616.
DigBoston and LeaguePodcast Comic Book Picks of the Week for June 13, 2012
Celebrating 50 years of web slinging and self-doubt, the Spider-Man we know and love meets new Ultimate Spider-Man Miles Morales for the first time in Spider-Men #1 this week by Brian Michael Bendis and Miles’ designer Sara Pichelli. “This is one of the biggest stories in Marvel history,” said Axel Alonso, Editor in Chief, Marvel Entertainment. … International best selling crime author Jason Starr gets revenge on Frank Castle’s enemies with a new limited series Untold Tales of Punisher Max #1. Expect bloodshed. … Pantha, shapeshifting killer pal of Vampirella, burns white hot on the pages of her new #1 from Dynamite. … Comic books cooked and curated with care from LeaguePodcast.com.
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On the eve of the release of Nicolas Cage reprising his role as demon hero Ghost Rider, we hear the unfortunate strategy of Marvel’s lawyers going after the character’s creator, Gary Friedrich. The debate and discussion in the comic market is lively on the matter of creative ownership this past week. Are Marvel and Disney lawyers being unreasonable with the creator of this top selling property, or are work-for-hire artists retroactively reviewing their original deals?
In 1967, Marvel published the star of my recurring nightmares (1978-present)—a gun wielding ghost on a spirit horse called The Ghost Rider. After the introduction of the flaming motorcycle-and-chains madman we are more familiar with in the 1970s, this character was changed to The Phantom Rider.
When not terrorizing my fever dreams, The Phantom Rider, with his stardust-infused cloak and Colt .44 shoots phantom bullets and rides his horse Banshee.
DigBoston and LeaguePodcast Comic Book Picks of the Week for December 21, 2011
The closest we’ll come to a holiday edition is making Fables #112 our marquee pick this week! Snow White’s sister Rose Red glimpses at the Christmas future of Fabletown, where legends try to assimilate with our society. … Geoff Johns finally reels his Aquaman character into the Justice League in issue #4. Fish stick jokes aside, the King of Atlantis is badass in the New 52, and the legend behind his trident has yet to be revealed! … Wolverine and the X-Men #3 is part of X-Men: Regenesis. Logan’s team is forced to rely on Quentin Quire to stand up to the Hellfire Club, but does that mean more trouble in Westchester for the new headmaster Wolvie? Picks this week from the holly jolly LeaguePodcast.com!
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DigBoston and LeaguePodcast Comic Book Picks of the Week for December 7, 2011
The Defenders are back, as Architect Matt Fraction endeavors to write Marvel style with artist Terry Dodson (Harley Quinn, Uncanny X-Men). The 2011 lineup of Silver Surfer, Doctor Strange, Namor, Iron Fist, and Red She-Hulk is worth the price of admission any Wednesday! …Blair Butler, G4’s Mixed Martial Arts and Comic Book Correspondent (for real) has broken into the business combining her passions! Heart #2 is the origin of cage fighter Oren ‘Rooster’ Redmond. Preview the blood sport here. …Voltron #1 re-imagines the savage regime of King Zarkon, and the Voltron Force risks exposing a long forgotten secret of the Galaxy Alliance! Alex Ross Cover, For The Win. …Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.
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DigBoston and LeaguePodcast Comic Book Picks of the Week for November 23, 2011
Excelsior! Fifty years ago, Fantastic Four debuted as Marvel’s grounded in reality super family, sprouting from the minds of Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. 50 years on, the selfsame World’s Greatest Comics Magazine celebrates 600 issues, natch! We hope will we finally see the return of the Human Torch! … Families have their share of complicated history in the Marvel Universe, and as you belly up to that Thanksgiving table, be thankful your twin brother isn’t in The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. Catch Avengers Origins Quicksilver And Scarlet Witch over some pumpkin pie. … Terry Moore continues his nifty art school series this week with How To Draw #2 - Expressions. Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com.
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DigBoston and LeaguePodcast Comic Book Picks of the Week! October 26, 2011
Looking for some last-minute costume inspiration? Vampires Marvel Undead #1 hits the shelf this week! This is your Official Handbook of the Undead Marvel Universe featuring Dracula, Blade, and even the recently bitten bloodsucker Jubilee of the X-Men. … Garth Ennis (Preacher, The Punisher, The Boys) debuted his horror film of a downed American helicopter in Taliban country at San Diego this year. Ennis continues the story with Stitched #1 from Avatar. Ancient supernatural powers make matters impossible for the wounded soldiers stuck behind enemy lines. … Usagi Yojimbo from Dark Horse celebrates a milestone of 200 total issues with a self-contained story of the rabbit ronin in “200 Buddhas” (issue 141). Congratulations to comic master Stan Sakai! … Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com.
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DigBoston and LeaguePodcast Comic Book Picks of the Week! October 19, 2011
We’ll gladly pay you Wednesday for a comic book today! Bela Lugosi’s Tales From The Grave #2 compilation features the story of a pop-eyed sailor released from a sunken ship after 70 years. This one is strong to the finish because he sucks out your soul! … Do you have a problem with the saucers? Addicted to abductions? Can’t make it through the day without an evasive space probe? Join the 12-step program in Xenoholics #1. Families and friends do not understand the truth about aliens, so XA offers support. Check out the hilarious preview here. … Who needs another Deadpool book, right? We do. Especially if the writers get to put Wade under the Marvel MAX 16+ explicit banner! Deadpool and his sidekick Bob, Agent of Hydra are accused of killing a quarter of a million people. Uh-Oh. Better call Saul! It’s Deadpool Max 2 #1! … Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com!
LeaguePodcast and DigBoston Comic Book Picks for October 12, 2011
Censorship is just plain rude and ugly. We’ve The First Amendment to protect us from the beast, and real-life heroes locking arms in city parks against the thing. The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund is a non-profit organization protecting those rights in the comics art community of creators and retailers. The CBLDF Annual 2011 features too many creators to list, and John Cassaday’s muted Uncle Sam cover is awesome, check it out here. … Dwayne McDuffie (Static Shock, Justice League Unlimited) passed away unexpectedly this year. DC collects his Batman: Blink this week from Legends of the Dark Knight. … Just in time for Halloween, Marvel drops a Legion of Monsters mini! Make mine Morbius the Living Vampire! … Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com.
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DigBoston and LeaguePodcast Comic Book Picks of the Week
It’s October now. There is a sharpness in the appetite for the flesh as the cold snaps the air! Vertigo is reprinting its 1995 epic The Eaters, a story of your average American family, The Quills, who happen to find human meat delectable. … Penguin: Pain And Predjudice, written by bestselling author Gregg Hurwitz, delves deep into the past of Gotham’s deformed rogue gang leader from swaddle to waddle. … Avengers: 1959 by American Flagg’s Howard Chaykin is a period tale of Nick Fury’s Avengers with the flavor of Mad Men or this summer’s X-Men First Class. Fury leads his team of Sabretooth, Kraven and Namora to track down a secret Nazi cloning gang! … Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com.
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Captain America by Jack Kirby, Vol. 1: Madbomb
Captain America by Jack Kirby, Vol. 1: Madbomb by Jack Kirby
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Wow! The Bicentennial run of Jack ‘King’ Kirby on Captain America (with Falcon): MADBOMB has some completely off-the wall bonkers patriotism and comic book fun!
Great extras from Marvel in this book. A/B Kirby’s pencils with fully produced art for most of the covers! John Romita inks the cover of ish #193.
Jim (my good pal lending me all of this bat-koo-koo Kirby stuff) left me a note, “Here is Vol. 1 of Kirby Cap from the 70s - it is insane”.
Hmmm..let me count the ways…
A powdered wig aristocrat plotting to bring back nobility to power (what?), small machines with mind control capability, a BIG-ASS version of those machines, Falcon using the word ‘dude’ every other panel…and a 200 year old ancestral grudge over a pistol duel!
To say I enjoyed this book after trying to make sense of the Fourth World stuff is an understatement. I can connect with Kirby’s Marvel work a bit easier, and this was one story arc with two main heroes.
The production of the coloring in this book and the two Kirby Black Panther books are really nice ‘remasters’ of the original plates and the Kirby crackle pops on the glossy pages.
Thanks, Cap! Make my Kirby Marvel!
Clay N. Ferno on Goodreads
DigBoston and LeaguePodcast Comic Book Picks of the Week! August 3, 2011
Adult comic book collectors will remember a magical time long ago where covers were wrapped in bags and holograms. This era was known as the 1990s. Relive the magic of inordinate amounts of pouches, gigantic guns and pursed lips from the polarizing Rob Liefeld and Walking Dead writer Robert Kirkman in The Infinite #1. … Speaking of big guns, Marvel is returning Frank Castle to clean up the scum of New York. With The Punisher #1, Greg Rucka (Batwoman, Queen and Country) returns to the comic book industry with a vengeance! … Tank Tankuro is the first robot to appear in Japanese comics! This pre-World War II manga was the progenitor for Astro-Boy and many more. Read a preview of the first English translation here. … Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com.
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DigBoston and LeaguePodcast Comic Book Picks of the Week! July 27, 2011
LeaguePodcast favorite Terry Moore (Strangers in Paradise, Echo) delivers his highly anticipated dip into the horror genre with Rachel Rising #1. Rachel has returned from the grave to find her number one squeeze is shacking up with another babe. It’s your standard zombie romance revenge tale in this premier ish!. …Venom #5 puts war hero Flash Thompson in the suit of goo and reboots the 90s web-villian as a government weapon! Peter Parker and Flash set aside differences in this Marvel Team-Up for the greater good. … Fozzy thinks he’s got jokes, but he may have to enroll in one of those embarrassing improv classes to improve his routine. Disney and Marvel present the all-ages Meet The Muppets #1 all-variety issue with bonus Pigs in Space skit!
Picks from week from LeaguePodcast.com, natch!
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Oddio Comic #29 - Avengers #60 part 1 - "Till Death Do Us Part" feat. Captain America!
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Oddio Comic #29 - Avengers #60 part 1 - “Till Death Do Us Part” feat. Captain America!
Issue(s): Avengers #60
Published Date: Jan 69
Title: “…Till death do us part!”
Roy Thomas - Writer
John Buscema - Penciler
Mickey Demeo - Inker
Stan Lee - Editor
ODDIO Comic Recorded and Engineered by John ‘Awesome” Hunt (colorist).
John Hunt - Cap, Jarvis, Clown, Human Cannonball
Clay N. Ferno - Yellow Jacket, Black Panther, Luigi GambonnoYellow Jacket gets PWN’D by my favorite Marvel, Black Panther - John Buscema, pencils
Matt Dursin - Hawkeye, Ernesto Gambonno
Ray O’Hare - Narrator, Vision, The Ringmaster, The Reverend,
Jamie McKiernan -The Wasp, Sue Richards, Crystal, Princess Python
Presented here, in the perfectly Ordinary Oddio Auspices, is the matrimonial tale of the Wasp and Yellowjacket! Who’ll get stung at Avengers mansion, and are we really to believe that Tony Stark is a teetotaler at the open bar? Jarvis has his hands full servicing so many guests! Will the Ringmaster be the ring bearer or the ring stealer? The Ringmaster wants revenge on Thor, but will he have more than he bargains for? Listen to our Oddio Adventure to find out in part 1 of Avengers #60 - Til Death Do Us Part!
Don’t miss Captain America in his very own motion picture film this weekend. Get Tickets below, natch!