Cosmic Treadmill: A Look At JUPITER'S LEGACY Part 1 (Issues 1-3) at FORCES OF GEEK
The Authority’s Mark Millar and Frank Quitely have teamed up again to dissect the superhero genre as well as the American family and economy in Jupiter’s Legacy.
Issue #3 of the ten issue series drops on Wednesday, September 25 from Image Comics.
This edition of Cosmic Treadmill takes a look at the first act of Millar’s unusually lengthy mini-series that dips into the Golden Age of comics at the same time it looks at the present and how comic heroes might act under present conditions.

Back in April, I presented this review of issue one.
I wasn’t that thrilled with what the first issue of Jupiter’s Legacy had to offer, in fact I had some harsh criticisms about the introduction of Chloe and her drug overdose at the end of the issue. After reading some interviews with Mr. Millar and reading the next two issues, I still stand by what I said about this being a tough introduction to the storyline, but found more to enjoy from the story after reading issues #2 and #3.
Before delving into the plot points and sophisticated deconstruction of the genre we’re shown in the book, let’s note the artwork. We all know Frank Quitely beautifully renders clothing and costumes in a realistic way, and in an expansion of his talents, Jupiter’s Legacy gives us a wide-screen view of some sophisticated scenery and fight scenes with effortless detail, complex backgrounds and even a bit of gore.
Pacing throughout the books, with Millar’s trademark huge beat cliffhangers at the end of issues #2 and #3 are spectacularly drawn pinups making you crave the next panels to move the story along.
Long haired anti-hero and son of Utopian Brandon Sampson looks eerily similar the artist as a young man, almost as much as his Dick Grayson likeness.

Great to see the artist in his work, all complimented by colorist, letterer and book designer Peter Doherty (2000 AD) on these pages for a soft tangible feel to the world, coupled with naturalistic tones on for the backgrounds.