KICKSTARTER KORNER: Comic Book Edition Mark Texeira’s ‘A HERO’S DEATH’, Vito Delsante’s ‘STRAY’ and Mike Kennedy’s ‘SUPER EGO
The final hours and days of a comic’s Kickstarter campaign can be the most crucial, as was certainly the case with our own campaign for Robin Hood: Outlaw of the 21st Century.
In fact, that last day, reaching out for Twitter support was how the goal was reached in the end.
Here’s three campaigns needing some attention this Wednesday, consider backing them with your comic budget!
Mark Texeira’s A Hero’s Death, Vito Delsante’s Stray, and Mike Kennedy’s Super Ego can all use a swift kick!
Mark Texeira’s A Hero’s Death

We ran into Mark Texeira (Ghost Rider, Wolverine, Punisher) this weekend and he had a blast telling us about his latest project, and his first Kickstarter! A Hero’s Death delves into the mystery of the death of a female hero 20 years ago and the consequences since. The hero is gone but not forgotten.
Mark is working with writer Ricardo Sanchez (Resident Evil, Legends of the Dark Knight) for a familiar but completely new to this world super hero book, with fully painted pages. Funding this book in the final days helps get the stretch goals unlocked and will also unlock a dream of master artist Mark Texeira — to have a book published outside of the Diamond ecosystem!