5 or so More Questions with Ryan Miller of Guster​ at Do617​. We headed to a VIP celebration of both Paradise Rock Club​ and Guster last night. Our interviewer really needs a tripod and a microphone but his arm remained (mostly) steady to hear Ryan talk about coffee, Boston and the music industry! Thanks, Ryan for coming correct!


League Podcast Comics Picks of the Week for Wed. January 11, 2017





Supergirl faces Cyborg Superman with the help of Cat Grant in Supergirl #6! … James Robinson (Starman) takes on another ‘00’ agent in the James Bond Universe in Felix Leiter #1 from Dynamite! … Justice League/Power Rangers #1 combines two of the greatest superhero teams for the first time! … Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com.


Best of 2016: Part Two at FORCES OF GEEK



Clay N Ferno

FOG! Contributor
@ClayNFerno  leaguepodcast.com  do617.com

Best Movies: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Deadpool, Star Trek Beyond
Best TV Shows: Supergirl, The Crown, Mr. Selfridge, Divorce, Luke Cage
Best Video Game: Star Wars: Battlefront
Best Songs: Sad13 – Get a Yes, Whitney – No Woman
Best Albums: Whitney: Light Upon the Lake




League Podcast Comics Picks of the Week for Wed. January 4, 2017




This week’s return of Sherlock to TV coincides with another manga with Sherlock: Blind Banker #1. … There is a new Atom in town, Ryan Choi! Check out The Atom Rebirth #1 from Supergirl writer Steve Orlando! … Yo Joe! Cobra plans it’s next strike against the Joes in G.I.Joe: A Real American Hero #235! … Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com.


League Podcast Comics Picks of the Week for Wed. December 28, 2016




Luke reads from Obi-Wan’s journal for a lost Yoda tale in Star Wars #26! … Jeff Lemire and Scott Snyder’s oversized After-Death #2 is out today! … Batman faces Psycho-Pirate and Bane in Batman #13! … Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com.

League Podcast Comics Picks of the Week for Wed. December 21, 2016






Star Lord is getting ready for GOTG Vol.2 with a new #1 from Chip Zdarsky! …Following up last year’s crossover, Star Trek/Green Lantern Vol.2 #1 debuts this week! LLAP! … Fans of the procedural cop drama should check out Dead Inside #1 from Dark Horse. … Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com.

‘Patriot’s Day’ (movie review) at FORCES OF GEEK

April 15, 2013 is a day that will live in infamy for Bostonians and runners the world over.

On this day, three people lost their lives and 264 others were injured at the finish line of the world’s oldest marathon.

Days later, an MIT police officer by the name of Sean A. Collier was shot and killed in the line of duty as the bombers tried to steal his gun. Nearly a year later, Dennis Simmonds, a Boston Police Department officer died of complications from an ensuing firefight with the terrorists.

These cowardly acts continue to have an affect on the Boston community, and on the other side of it, the chant of “Boston Strong” made it to the lexicon as a symbol of resilience, strength, pride and inspiration in the face of adversity.

Director Peter Berg’s Patriot’s Day captures the city’s reaction to the bombing that spurred an unprecedented ‘shelter-in-place’ declaration as the murderers made more sinister plans and plotted their way to New York City for more destruction.


‘D4VEocracy #1’ (advance review) at FORCES OF GEEK


Written by Ryan Ferrier 
Art/Cover by Valentin Ramon 
Published by IDW Publishing
In Stores January 25, 2017

The third arc of IDW’s D4VE starts in January, picking up when vacuum robot Roombo is assassinated and the world is left without a leader.

That’s where our hero D4VE steps in, hoping to fill in the roll as Earth’s (34RTH’s) savior once again.

From the highest of highs to the lowest of lows, D4VE has seen it all, from aliens to time travel to a big black hole threatening everyone’s existence.

In post-vacuum America, can D4VE be the one that makes everything great again?

Time will certainly tell.

The last volume, D4VE2, exalted D4VE to the Secretary of D-Fense. In his off-time, he’s struggling to maintain with his robot ex-wife S4LLY and raise his son, the mouthy and sexually fluid 5COTTY on the weekends. What we have here is Just your typical robot broken home. Why, you may ask, are robots ruling everything? They’ve taken over and beaten the meat puppet humans in an uprising (but not without learning human’s baser instincts and dank meme slang.


League Podcast Comics Picks of the Week for Wed. December 14, 2016


I’m noticing a trend here…but it’s not bad! New Hawkeye Kate Bishop stars in her own book, Hawkeye #1! … Terry Moore (Strangers in Paradise) has a new book, Motor Girl #2, that we have been enjoying lately! Starring aliens and a junkyard protected by a 500 pound gorilla! … Nick Spencer and Steve Lieber continue the bad cop/bad cop story in The Fix #7! Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com!

League Podcast Comics Picks of the Week for Wed. December 7, 2016





TWIRL! Party like it’s 1977 with Wonder Woman and The Bionic Woman #1. … Thor and Beta Ray Bill are looking for a spot of redemption in The Unworthy Thor #2! … The Batgirl team of Brendan Fletcher and Babs Tarr hops over to Image for Motor Crush #1! Another great and strong female lead with a motorcycle and a baseball bat! W00t! … Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com.

League Podcast Comics Picks of the Week for Wed. November 30, 2016




Ghost Rider is back in the form of Robbie Reyes, as evidenced by the latest season of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D,! Ghost Rider #1 is out today! … Optimus Prime stars in his own solo book, out today, Transformers expert John Barber pens Optimus Prime #1. … It’s Swamp Thing v Superman in Superman Annual #1! (Are they sure they have the numbering right? )… Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com.

FOG! Chats With ‘Stumptown’ Artist Justin Greenwood at FORCES OF GEEK

Stumptown is your favorite Rockford Files private detective story in comics form that you may or may not be reading!

Greg Rucka puts leading tough gal Dexedrine Parios in danger every issue but she can get to the bottom of the jig when that jig is certainly up, or in this instance, the bottom of a very dank coffee cup. Volume 4 of Stumptown, The Case of The Cup of Joe, comes out in January but is available for pre-order today (Diamond code: SEP161833)

Artist Justin Greenwood joins us to talk about the mystery comic set in Stumptown aka Portland, Oregon, cat-shit coffee and ‘silent’ issues of comic books!

* * * * *

stumptownint4FOG!: The Case of the Cup of Joe was one of the funniest crime comics and of a lighter tone than the previous volumes. Was it fun to play with Portland’s barista and coffee culture obsession?

Justin Greenwood: Yeah, we had a lot of fun with it! I remember Greg telling us about the idea for building a case around some very valuable, sought-after coffee beans and you couldn’t help but chuckle at the premise.




League Podcast Comics Picks of the Week for Wed. November 23, 2016





Dawn starts training with the Arashikage in G.I. Joe #234! … Art & Franco are back with Super Powers #1! We like pink VERY much! … Luthor, Lois and Godslayer all star in Action Comics # 968 - Man of Steel part 2! … Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com.


‘Allied’ (movie review) at FORCES OF GEEK

Written by Steven Knight
Directed by Robert Zemeckis
Starring Brad Pitt, Marion Cotillard,
Jared Harris, Simon McBurney,
Matthew Goode, Lizzy Caplan


Robert Zemeckis Allied is a decent Nazi spy romance film that is not without its problems with pacing and story, but still has some great scenes and overall looks great.

From the dizzying ‘when is he going to touch ground’ of Brad Pitt’s opening paratrooper scene to another steamy desert sex scene, the movie sure is great to look at. With the gorgeous Marion Cotillard (Dark Knight Rises, Inception) dripping a satin sensuality and Pitt’s leading man charisma, the sexiness can blow the gasket off of an RAF Jeep.

To be honest, Allied is a bit of a slogger, resting most of the burden on pure star power.

The movie has it’s very own identity crisis, switching sides from being a romantic period piece to a Nazi-punching war flick with behind the enemy lines grenade-throwing action. Where Zemeckis and writer Steven Knight go wrong is in the focus of the thing.

Most, if not all, of the plot is revealed in the trailer, which sets ones’ expectations up for failure from the first scenes in French Morocco. Max (Pitt) is a Canadian Airman fighting for the RAF. He’s dropped into a desert reconnoiter with his inside man who gives him a weapon and a cover story, complete with fake wedding ring.

In Casablanca, he meets his cover, a beautiful Marianne (Marion Cotillard).



FOG! Chats With The Inimitable Paul Dini About ‘Jingle Belle: The Whole Package’ at FORCES OF GEEK



Paul Dini is a legend in television animation and the father of DC Comics’ Harley Quinn. Dini has a fondness for the holiday spirit, a yearn for the Yule, a sizzle for the season! His lesser known creation, the blonde spitfire and daughter of the Kringle, Jingle Belle, has had books released in issues by various outlets over the years, and most recently, IDW has collected the rebellious teenager’s tales into one big volume!

It will hardly fit in the Santa Sack at 340 pages! Jingle Belle: The Whole Package is available now, just in time for that Yankee Swap.

Paul joined us today over some mulled cider for some questions to give us the origin of Santa’s spawn, Jingle Belle.

* * * * *

FOG!: Paul, thanks so much for joining us! You are well known in the comics and superhero world for creating Harley Quinn and your work in animation. When did the first Jingle Belle comic come in to your head?

Paul Dini: In 1998 I was talking to Oni Press about doing some new original characters, and they gave me the chance to try out two ideas in Oni Double Feature. One was “Honor Rollers,” which was based on some guys I had known in boarding school, and the other was “Jingle Belle.”




League Podcast Comics Picks of the Week for Wed. November 16, 2016



Thanos. Big, Purple. Mean. He’s more famous for his one glove than the other guy. Get to know the Mad Titan over in Thanos #1 from Jeff Lemire! Over in the ‘As Seen on TV’ aisle, we have Jessica Jones #2 as secrets of the Marvel Universe will unfold! … Archie #14 gets Mean Girls on Betty and Veronica with Queen Bee Cheryl Blossom! … Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com.

League Podcast Comics Picks of the Week for Wed. November 9, 2016


Hammer Films presents: The Mummy #1 written by Peter Milligan! … There is a new vigilante in town by the name of Mother Panic #1 aka Violet Paige, the latest in DC’s Young Animal imprint. … Animation’s greatest heroes Batman and TMNT team up for a new #1 from IDW and DC in Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1! … Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com.

‘Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders’ (Movie review) - at FORCES OF GEEK


Holy Cash Cow, Batman! Batman ’66 the Comic, The Toys, The Franchise…and now the Movie!


Which came first, Robin? The revisit or the reboot? What peril faces The Caped Crusader and The Boy Wonder fifty years after the debut of the Batman television series? Of course, reuniting the original cast would be impossible, but somehow Adam West, Burt Ward and Catwoman Julie Newmar are able to return to the booths to voice their famous characters.

These cherished after-school versions of The Not-So-Dark-Knight (West) in satin gloves and his ward (Ward) are revisited in Warner Animation’s Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders.

I’m on record in these very pages of being a huge DC Animation fan, with only a few misses over these past few years. My favorite stories are when they take risks. This one, was risky for a number of reasons but truly I think they pulled it off once again.


League Podcast Comics Picks of the Week for Wed. November 2, 2016


That’s what President Bitch wants you to do in Bitch Planet #9. Consider it a friendly reminder! Meet Eleanor Doane: President Bitch. … Thor Odinson is back in Jason Aaron’s epic run on Thor with The Unworthy Thor #1 (of 5) … Cap, Spidey, Vision, The Wasp and more make up the new Avengers post-Civil War II in Avengers #1 from Mark Waid. … Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com.


FOG! Picks The Can’t Miss ‘Halloween Comic Fest’ Titles! at FORCES OF GEEK

Free Comic Book Day actually comes twice a year, and tomorrow, October 29th, the day wraps itself in gauze and dabs black makeup around it’s eyes.

That’s right, Halloween Comic Fest 2016 is here, at your participating LCS. Be sure to find grab bags of goodies, some Smarties and other healthy tricks at your local comic book store and as always, buy something, even a little thing to help out the store. Lots of stores have their own costume contests and more. Be sure to check with your store to see if they are participating or if they may have something else fun in store for the whole family!

And remember, kids, just like the speed limit, obey your store’s limits for free comics. If you are in an urban area riddled with comic shops this may be your opportunity to hit up more than your regular shop to be able to ‘collect ’em all’!

We’ve made some selections of Halloween Comic Fest 2016 books, labeled in creepy categories that have never seen the light of day, until now! Perhaps they were meant to be hidden forever! Klaatu Barada Nikto!


Afterlife with Archie Season 2 (Archie Comics


ZOMG! I can’t believe BLANK got BLANKED with a BLANK on this week’s The Walking Dead!

Almost as much as I can’t believe Archie has been publishing a daring ZombieVerse Riverdale comic from artist Francesco Francavilla and writer Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa. Zombie Jughead. That is all!