‘Suicide Squad’ (movie review) at Forces of Geek



Produced by Charles Roven, Richard Suckle
Based on Suicide Squad by John Ostrander
Written and Directed by David Ayer
Starring Will Smith, Jared Leto, Margot Robbie,
Joel Kinnaman, Viola Davis, Jai Courtney,
Jay Hernandez, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje,
Ike Barinholtz, Scott Eastwood, Cara Delevingne

One thing we can all agree on is that the DC Cinematic Universe got off to a rocky start and seemed doomed with the release of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.

The controversy won’t end with this film, but I can say writer/director David Ayer finally gets it. Nothing is ever perfect but this movie is more than what meets the eye from the promos.

Spanning superhero, comedy, supernatural and military genres and introducing visual elements more commonly found in video games, Suicide Squad is a wild ride.



League Podcast & Do617 Comics Picks of the Week for Wed. Aug 3, 2016




Killer queens, dynamite with a laser beam in this week’s picks! To coincide with this summer’s deadly DC movie hit is Suicide Squad Rebirth #1! … Frank The Tank stars in Punisher #4 - Not for kids, duh! … Joelle Jones’ killer housewife is back in Lady Killer 2 #1 from Dark Horse. Be careful at this lady’s Tupperware party—of demise! … Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com.


‘Tetris: The Games People Play’ by Box Brown (graphic novel review) at Forces Of Geek


Tetris: The Games People Play
Written and Illustrated by Box Brown
Published by First Second
Release Date: October 11, 2016
EAN 9781626723153
Price: $19.99

The New York Times Bestselling author Box Brown (Andre The Giant: Life and Legend) returns for his second major release through First Second to be released in October of this year. With herds of roaming purple-eyed glow kids tripping on curbs to collect the latest Pokemon lately, we thought this a fitting time to review the origin of Tetris in Tetris: The Games People Play.

Brown illustrates the graphic novel using two color printing (yellow and black) and a simplistic but humorous style that is uniquely his.

The story of Tetris doesn’t include Man from U.N.C.L.E. espionage, but it does have a dramatic element and compelling story that is difficult to put down.

Back in my day, my family, like Brown’s, all fought over the grey screened Game Boys and this addictive Russian video game, shrunken down from the full color version on our ‘big’ TVs.



League Podcast & Do617 Comics Picks of the Week for Wed. July 27, 2016






COMICS Holy Bat-Rebirth books, Batman! We couldn’t help it, from the Robins to Babs, here are the sidekick picks of the week! First up is Tim Seeley’s Nightwing #1 puts Dick back in the black and blue and gives him a new mentor that might make him un-learn what Bruce put in his head! … Not to be forgotten is Jason Todd in Red Hood and the Outlaws #1 as Jason teams up with Bizarro to take down Gotham’s underground criminal element. … It’s Batgirl Beyond Burnside in a new Batgirl #1 written by Hope Larson and drawn by American Vampire’s Rafael Albuquerque. It’s Batgirl—in Japan! … Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com.

The Cloud GN (book review) at Forces Of Geek



Written by K. I. Zachopoulos
Illustrated by Vincenzo Balzano
Published by BOOM! Studios/Archaia
Pub. Date: July 20, 2016
Price: $24.99
UPC:  978160886725752499
Buy It Here

The Cloud is the latest graphic novel release from Archaia, an imprint of BOOM! Studios. This fantasy world is set far in the future as a boy and his trusty flying wolf Cloud travel to discover the secrets of his father and seek after a totem for wishes.

Come along and get lost in this beautifully delightful adventure story with pirates, defiant pachyderms, and talking statues.

This adventure story of a boy and his wolf will transport you to another world that is familiar but forever changed by the actions of our time. In the future of The Cloud we are left with mountain cities in the sky as the earth below is no longer fit from the actions occurring in “The Great Before”.

Each page of this graphic novel is beautifully painted by Vincenzo Balzano (Revenge: The Secret Origin of Emily Thorne) borrowing thoughtful stylistic elements from the likes of Dave McKean (Sandman) and Bill Sienkiewicz.

Fans of The Sandman: The Dream Hunters will most certainly enjoy this story tonally. The pitch and solicit also make sure to mention The NeverEnding Story a bit and for good reason. Cloud and Falkor have much in common. The boys in both stories are adventurers on a quest.





League Podcast & Do617 Comics Picks of the Week for Wed. July 20, 2016


The long awaited Rom The Space Knight returns to comics in IDW’s Rom #1 as Rom faces the Dire Wraiths in ‘Earthfall’ part one. … Betty & Veronica go head to head in the re-up of the Archie-verse written and drawn by Adam Hughes in Betty & Veronica #1. … Gotham’s protectors Batgirl and the Birds of Prey Rebirth reveals to the world Bab’s time as Oracle. What will this mean to Batgirl, Huntress and Black Canary as we know them? Find out in Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #1! … Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com.

League Podcast & Do617 Comics Picks of the Week for Wed. July 13, 2016





Straight outta Townsville, it’s The Powerpuff Girls #1, previewing the new 40-episode series on The Cartoon Network! … One of our favorite writers, Cullen Bunn takes on Conan in Conan the Slayer #1, cover by Lee Bermejo! … Lilly and Eva are realizing the truth about the fallen earth in Satellite Falling #3, a great new space opera from IDW! … Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com.

Neil Gaiman: Dream Dangerously (movie review) at FORCES OF GEEK

Produced by Jordan Rennert, Patrick Meaney,GaimanDoc-Main
Julian Darius, Mike Phillips,
Cat Mihos, 
Morgan Peter Brown
Directed by Patrick Meaney
Starring Neil Gaiman, Amanda Palmer,
George R.R. Martin, Grant Morrison,
Karen Berger, Shelly Bond, Terry Prachett,
Lenny Henry, Michael Sheen, Patton Oswalt,
Chip Kid, Wil Wheaton, Jill Thompson

The living embodiment of The Sandman and literary genius Neil Gaiman (American Gods, The Ocean at the End of the Lane) is highlighted in this documentary from SeqArt, following Neil on his final book signing world tour.

That is too say, Neil will, at the end of the documentary have signed over 75,000 books and need to ice his had after every session. An artist with such class and graciousness is rare for wanting face time with all of his fans, just one last time. No one can accuse Neil of being a ‘Ringo’ about his signing tour. He wants to get back to writing. At some point he decided he wanted the final tour to happen, so he, like one of his Endless characters, planted the seed in his fan’s dreams and let this pan out one last time.

With some great interviews with celebrity fans Wil Wheaton, George R.R. Martin, Jonathan Ross, Lenny Henry, Grant Morrison, the late Terry Pratchett and so many more, this insightful documentary about Neil’s writing and life will be surely devoured by his devout followers and comics fans that recognize how works like Sandman truly changed the conversation and cultural landscape.


League Podcast & Do617 Comics Picks of the Week for Wed. July 7, 2016



Captain Jack Harkness will get you by tonight in Torchwood #1 written by actor John Barrowman (Torchwood/Arrow). This new Titan series is sure to make you question which side you are on, as long as that side is Jack’s sexual side! This is a canonical continuation of the Torchwood saga! …Yabba Dabba Do! Pick up The Flintstones #1, the latest in the bizarre retellings of Hanna Barbera cartoons that paint our favorite Stone Age Family in a semi-realistic light. Trust us, Issue #1 will rock you! … Not to be confused with anyone else’s Avengers, Batman ‘66 Meets Steed and Mrs. Peel in a new #1. Campy sixties spy crossovers that never happened for real are happening in the comics pages and we couldn’t be happier! … Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com.

‘Hunt For The Wilderpeople’ (movie review) - at FORCES OF GEEK

New-Hunt-Poster-1Produced by Carthew Neal, Leanne Saunders,
Taika Waititi, Matt Noonan
Based on Wild Pork and Watercress by Barry Crump
Written and Directed by Taika Waititi
Starring Sam Neill, Julian Dennison, Rhys Darby,
Rima Te Wiata, Rachel House, Oscar Kightley,
Tioreore Ngatai-Melbourne, Taika Waititi

A departure from the comedy of his work on Flight of the Conchords and What We Do in the Shadows, the sophomore feature from writer/director Taika Waititi crosses The Fugitive with the New Zealand bush.

Camping across over five months, Uncle Hec (Sam Neill) and young Ricky (Julian Dennison) are on the run to escape the clutches of Juvenile hall.

The wry humor of Waititi’s previous work shines through, this is a very funny movie and the touching story of bad kid Ricky being accepted into a farming family to turn himself around without losing identity.

Rima Te Wiata stars as Ricky’s adoptive aunt, Bella, that can both heat a water bottle for Ricky’s bedtime cuddling and joyfully slaughter a wild pig for dinner without caring much about the gangsta rap 10 year old’s reaction.

This is a movie about outsiders and acceptance.



League Podcast & Do617 Comics Picks of the Week for Wed. June 29, 2016



That was fast, Steve Rogers Captain America #2 retcons the retcon, here’s to hoping he still punched Hilter in the face!… Batman and Robin are about to take on a war with The Master Race and Superman shows up! DKIII: Master Race #5 is out today. Bobbi and Hawkeye go for an under the sea adventure in Mockingbird #4! … Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com.


Triple Shot With a Digital Chaser: ‘Action Man #1’, ‘She-Wolf #2’, ‘James Bond’ #7 & ‘Adventures of Supergirl’ #11

This return of Triple Shot brings us a little known action hero from the UK getting his due with IDW’s Action Man #1, a teenage girl wolf’s out in She-Wolf #1 from Image and the Duke of Dapper James Bond starts in on a new adventure “Eidolon” written by Warren Ellis issue #007!.

Are you missing out on Supergirl lately? Don’t fret because Sterling Gates has been keeping Kara and the Danvers girls busy in our Digital Chaser for Adventures of Supergirl #11.


actionmanAction Man #1

Writer: John Barber
Artist: Paolo Villanelli
Publisher: IDW Publishing
Pub. Date: June 22, 2016
UPC: 82771401090900121

John Barber (Transformers) starts us out in media res with our hero Action Man infiltrating Doctor X’s headquarters.

Don’t know who Action Man is? Picture G.I. Joe but for Anglophiles.

I’m not talking the little guys, we’re talking Original 1960’s Kung-Fu Grip that might ask for a spot of tea.

Paolo Villanelli (Snake Eyes) is on art and if you crave a modern G.I.Joe title (one that is noticeably missing from the current IDW line), Action Manmight be what you are looking for!

Action Man is a highly trained soldier in martial arts, weapons and even the culinary arts according to this incarnation. He’s Duke, Snake-Eyes and Roadblock all rolled into one!

That is, of course until a Wrath of Khan moment changes the fate of Action Man!

This is a fun start to the series that I look forward to continuing, a mashup of James Bond, The Kingsmen: Secret Service, G.I. Joe and Torchwood, Action Man has what it takes to keep me interested!

And to be honest, the Train Fight certainly jumped my ratings from a low 4 to a high 5, targeting for my own locomotive combat preference.


League Podcast & Do617 Comics Picks of the Week for Wed. June 22, 2016



Part G.I.Joe, part James Bond, Action Man #1 hits shelves today! The Action Man relaunch from IDW is highly anticipated on both sides of the pond! … Archie is barred from Lodge Manor so how will Veronica get to hang with Archie Andrews? Mark Waid’s Archie #9 out today. … Back Off! Bitch Planet is back today with issue #8 from Kelly Sue DeConnick — follow the prison planet action as Kam gets reunited with her sister! … Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com.


FOG! Chats With ‘The Revisionist’ Writer Frank J. Barbiere - at FORCES OF GEEK



Frank Barbiere (Five Ghosts, Avengers World) joins us today to talk about his latest time travel crime book  The Revisionist from new publisher Aftershock. The ongoing title stars time traveling assassin tasked with repairing a cracked timeline!

FOG!: Thanks for joining us today, Frank! The Revisionist #1 is out now, from Aftershock. How did you get involved in the launch of a new publisher?

Frank Barbiere: I had met Mike Marts a few times socially, and was always interested in working with him. Mike has edited many of my favorite books, including long runs on X-Men and Batman.

stunWhen Aftershock was starting to get the ball rolling, Mike reached out to see if I had any creator owned properties I was interested in pursuing.

I’m a creator who loves to have my own books as well as work for hire, so I quickly responded with a few ideas I had kicking around and we settled on The Revisionist.

Are you happy and excited to work with them? The roster from day one certainly caught my eye!

It’s been a wonderful experience. Aftershock has built a really strong publisher where they let their talent have creative freedom and work with the people they want—I was able to handpick my creative team (co-creator and artist Garry Brown and colorist Lauren Affe), as I knew they’d deliver a book we were all proud of.

Everyone involved is extremely passionate about having beautiful, quality books and I think it shows in their library. It’s an honor to be amongst some of the best creators in comics, as well as some of the best new talent.




TOP 5 E3 announcements and trailers from yesterday. 



Microsoft’s E3 is this week and last night’s preview trailers have us throwing money at our laptop screens waiting for the next iterations of console games.




Here are 5 things we are looking forward to the most, and that’s only Day 1!



Insomniac’s new Spider-Man game for PS4 looks like the best web-slingin’ action that we haven’t seen since Web of Shadows.


What’s going on with Peter’s white spider though? Hopefully his costume will be skinnable in DLC. Better or worse than what the CEO of Parker Industries is wearing on his chest currently, a glowing monstrosity! 

[READ MORE AT DO617.com]








Bethesda’s The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim gets a re-render for modern consoles with Skyrim Special Edition on PS4/PC/XBOX ONE.






Nothing will bring you more joy than watching Geordi (Levar Burton) and Bones (Karl Urban) command a starship from the bridge in virtual reality. That is until you get to do it yourself!






League Podcast Comics Picks of the Week for Wed. June 15, 2016


Finally - Solo Solo! Han Solo #1 gives an inside look at your favorite Nerf Herder. For the first time ever, is Star Wars: Han Solo #1 (of 5). …The ticket to vote for this November isn’t one of the two candidates on the news all the time. We have another sneaky option, Vote Loki #1. … Fred Van Lente’s newest comic series is Weird Detective #1 from Dark Horse. Detective Sebastian Greene is the monster cop vs The Old Ones. … Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com.




Sunday was a great day to spend time with those people and things you love. If you are lucky enough, and not a sober vegan, all came to a head at this year’s 


The seventh annual event boasted a clever Player 1 and Player 2 concept poster featuring Mario and Luigi.





Last night at Great Scott was ethereal and moving with amazing sets from Peter Bernhard (from Devil Makes Three), The Huntress and Holder of Hands (ft. MorganEve Swain of Brown Bird) and a highly anticipated return of Brooklyn’s O’Death to the Allston Stage. There were emotional and moving sets from all of the acts, reminding the crowd of train punks, bearded weirdos and punks about a folk country scene that has a darker side.


On his first solo tour, Pete Bernhard, the Vermont native and the voice of The Devil Makes Three shared with us songs that are inconceivably too dark for his other band. His sister joined him on stage for three songs taking us from a familiar DMT and Townes Van Zandt song to somethings else entirely. The duets with his sister were my favorite songs of the impressive and moody set.





League Podcast Comics Picks of the Week for Wed. June 8, 2016



Sherlock with Cumberbatch is probably the greatest show ever, and what could be better than Japanese Manga versions of Sherlock written by Steven Moffat, Mark Gatiss. Available in the States and the UK for the first time ever! … The greatest pilot in the galaxy (and his pal BB-8) Poe Dameron hits with #3 this week. If you want to make an omelette, you may need to break a few highly revered holy eggs! … It is Kirk v The Klingons in Star Trek Manifest Destiny #4 of 4. 50 years of Trek? So Wow! … Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com.


FOG! Chats With Christopher Duddy, Director of “It’s So Easy and Other Lies” - at FORCES OF GEEK


Director Christopher Duddy joins us today to talk about everyone’s favorite Gunner, Duff McKagan. It’s So Easy and Other Lies is the documentary version of Duff’s book that goes back to the Seattle pre-grunge days through Guns N’ Roses and carries you up to Loaded and Velvet Revolver. The bassist performs with a live band as he reads from his best selling book intertwined with interviews from friends Nikki Sixx, Slash, Matt Sorum, Mike McCready and many others.

Animated transitions and visualizations of some of the stories give the world an uncensored look at addiction, recovery, touring and being trying to survive being a musician in the best rock and roll band in the world.

Duddy is know for his many visual effects credits but sits in the director’s chair for It’s So Easy and Other Lies. He starts by letting us know how this movie came to be.

FOG!: Thanks for joining us, Chris! How did this come about?

Christopher Duddy: I only knew Duff’s story from Guns N’ Roses forward, I didn’t know the back history until I read his book, and that caught my attention. It was really interesting, his whole story, not just the GNR story.

I met Duff when we were both walking our kids to school. We became friends, we’re both big football fans, Duff would come over my house and watch football. A few years later he asked if I would read his book.

We talked about the book after I read it, and I said to Duff, “Your story is one of those that is really inspirational, and as a filmmaker, to get an opportunity to tell a story that inspires people is a gift”.

I approached him to make a documentary about it and his initial reaction was “No”. He didn’t want to be too self indulgent, he had already written the book about himself. I was just persistent because his story is one that needed to be shared on film, not just on pages.

Finally, he warmed up to it. When the book became a NYT Best Seller and came out in paperback, he started doing a press junket for the paperback release. He finally called me for that, “Hey if we are going to do this thing, maybe you should come with me on this press tour”.