Dig Boston and League Podcast Comics Picks of the Week for Wed. February 10, 2016



A new creative team takes over New Suicide Squad #17 featuring Harley, Headshot, Amanda Waller and the rest of Task Force X. Tim Seeley (Grayson, Hack/Slash, Batman and Robin Eternal) takes over and redefines Suicide Squad in advance of this summer’s blockbuster movie! .., Cadets Kirk and Uhura uncover a mystery as the other cadets vie for top ranks in the Centennial Competition in Star Trek: Starfleet Academy #3! … G.I.Joe #225 puts an end to the Cobra World Order storyline but something tells us Springfield isn’t “A Nice Little Town” for much longer! … Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com.



Batman: Bad Blood is the latest DC Universe Animated Original Movie and is quite possibly the best Bat-family animation since 2010’s Batman: Under the Red Hood. The animated franchise rebooted itself to align with the New 52 in 2012 withJustice League: The Flashpoint Paradox, and Batman himself, along with Damian Wayne and Nightwing, Alfred and the rest have their own continuity to follow now starting with 2103’s Batman: Son of Batman and the Court of Owls storyline in 2014’s Batman vs. Robin. 

With a dynamic screenplay from comic book industry veteran J.M. DeMatteis (Justice League International, Spider-Man: Kraven’s Last Hunt), Batman: Bad Blood borrows heavily from New 52 storylines featured Grant Morrison’s Batman, Batman Incorporated, Batman and Robin and Batwing as well as Batwoman from Greg Rucka and J.H. Williams III. 

The stripped down Batman: Incorporated story in Batman: Bad Blood definitely works, with dynamic action, great character work and introduction and nods to the spanning comic stories that preceded this feature.

Batman: Bad Blood introduces some key members of the family, while piggybacking on Batman: Son of Batman andBatman vs. Robin. Batwoman (Yvonne Strahovski) appears early on as an uneasy ally to Bruce Wayne (Jason O’Mara) before Batman disappears from Gotham City.


Dig Boston and League Podcast Comics Picks of the Week for Wed. February 3, 2016



Was She Pretty (Drawn and Quarterly) from Leanne Shapton (Swimming Studies) ruminates on ex-lovers, and our lovers’ ex-lovers. Catch a double book launch with Adriane Tomine at Harvard Books on Thursday. … Miles Morales is debuting in the All New, All Different Marvel with his creators Brian Michael Bendis and Sara Pichelli in Spider-Man #1. … The Walking Dead #151 starts a new arc after their landmark anniversary issue. … Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com.


Dig Boston and League Podcast Comics Picks of the Week for Wed. January 27, 2016

Dedicated to the loving memory of my Mother, Robyn Bishop Silva Fernald



For my mother, who was a huge Sherlock Holmes fan and even bigger fan of the new show! Pick up Sherlock “Mind Palace Coloring Book to get to the bottom of this century’s biggest mysteries with  the soothing power of coloring! ,,, It’s better than the Phantom Menace but looks like Upsher and Doff are headed to the depths as they get back on the case in Saga #33. … Maika must confront the deadly secrets that live inside her in Image Comics’ Monstress #3.



I love you, Mumma.


Big Thumbs Way Up.

Dig Boston and League Podcast Comics Picks of the Week for Wed. January 20, 2016



The princess kidnapper Ice King from Adventure Time gets his due in a new #1. We’re pretty sure is penguin pal Gunter is around for the ride too! ,,,Things are heating up in G.I.Joe as Cobra World Order #224 as the ruthless terrorist organization is determined to rule the world! … Also by sensei Larry Hama is Call of Duty: Black Ops III #3 — this prequel comic is written by someone very familiar with ordinances and strategy of modern warfare and we have been enjoying it so far! … Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com.






From Krypton to Themyscira to the Deadite infested woods of North Carolina, we are kicking off 2016 with a return to form of the classic Triple Shot comics review column! 

Can’t make heads or tails of a pull list? Are you easily confused by staring at rows of comics on the shelf? We hope these recommendations do you well. Why think when we can tell you what comics to buy!

This week, Max Landis and Joëlle Jones give you a unique spotlight on a young Clark Kent, Renae De Liz (Peter Pan, The Last Unicorn) and Ray Dillon retell Wonder Woman’s origin in Legend of Wonder Woman and lastly Ash is back, baby, inEvil Dead 2: Cradle of the Damned!

This week you get an extra bonus Heavy Metal chaser as one of our very own FOG!’s very own (Steven) Scott Duvall! drops his new book Necropolis: Continuum #1 from Heavy Metal Comics.
That’s right, that Heavy Metal!


Writer: Max Landis

Artist: Joëlle Jones
Publication Date: January 13, 2016
Price: $3.99
Publisher: DC Comics
UPC: 76194133061700311

Max Landis (Chronicle, Dirk Gently) has been surprising comic fans the past few months with his take on different eras of Clark Kent, Superboy and Superman. With different artists assigned to each chapter of this mini-series, we are able to appreciate different aspects of Clark’s home life. 

Of course, this is the almost predictable ‘modern retelling’ of the Superman origin. What sets it apart, besides the art treatment, is a feeling that Superman is a legend.

No chapter picks up where the last story left off.

Much like in American television, each artist on a chapter shows a different era of Clark’s life, and each of the artists would be the guest director of the episode.

This particular chapter’s director is the talented Joëlle Jones (Lady Killer, Adventures of Superman).
The story takes place on Bruce Wayne’s yacht, but master Bruce is not even there to celebrate his birthday. Clark stands in for the absent Bruce, who is ‘Never at his (own) parties’. 

A young Clark lives it up, hooks up with a lady, gets drunk and has all of the fun Bruce Wayne would only pretend to have. 

There have been plenty of stories where these two have switched places but what sets this story apart is that they have yet to be acquainted. 

It’s not all booze and cupcakes as a popular DC villain is after Bruce Wayne and Clark has to face him.

In conclusion, this a fun issue, even if it just stands alone. It is a fun take for fans of the classic Batman and Superman dynamic that flashes back to the pre-superhero days.

The art is gorgeous and I’m enjoying what Max has to say with ‘his’ Superman!




Dig Boston and League Podcast Comics Picks of the Week for Wed. January 13, 2016




Sometimes an event comic can change the world, and here it is, FINALLY. Big things happen (or have already happened) over at Marvel as Secret Wars concludes with issue #9. We loved Gail Simone’s Leaving Megalopolis graphic novel, and here comes the sequel in comic form. Good guys have gone bad in Leaving Megalopolis: Surviving Megalopolis #1 — one of the best superhero stories of the past few years from the former Batgirl writer. … Clark Kent is confused for the rich kid of instagram Bruce Wayne in Superman: American Alien #3 (of 7) from Max Landis and Joëlle Jones!… Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com.



Clay N Ferno

“All I have is my love of love  And love is not loving” — Soul Love, David Bowie 1971

Coffee shops, bars and cubicles today are to be filled with an air of sadness but also the notes, songs and incredible lyrics of David Bowie. I grew up in he sweet spot of growing up in a world where girls where more than aware of Labyrinth around the same time us boys got a lightning bolt in the pants for the Blue Jean video.

Bowie stayed with me through all of the Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes and Greatest Hits as I graduated from The College of Classic Rock Knowledge. Real world Art College brought me into the superhero world of Ziggy Stardust just as my first live-in girlfriend enlightened me to ‘the early years’ era of Hunky Dory and David Bowie. Now, when I need to listen to some rock and roll and remember a world before Cyrus and Skrillix and Drake, Bowie is what dominates the earbuds and I dare say the record player.

Bowie is the stuff of legend, the stuff of love, the stuff of sex, the stuff of women and men and being both at the same time. Rest in peace, Goblin King, Ziggy the guitar superhero, avatar of my adolescence. I’m sure you faced your Golden Years and cancer with as much strength as you gave us all.


Cartoonist CHRISTINE LARSEN Unleashes ORCS! on The Cosmic Treadmill! at FORCES OF GEEK


Christine Larsen has worked on some of your favorite properties over at DC, Boom!, IDW and more. Alongside that, she is a new mom and college professor. Christine is here to join us today on the Cosmic Treadmill to tell us about her self published comic, Orcs! #1, that grew out of an obsession with the monstrous creatures and demanded their story be told.

FOG!: Thanks for joining us to talk about Orcs! #1. How long have you been obsessed with orcs?

Christine Larsen: I’m not sure I would say obsessed… Well, okay, maybe obsessed is fair.

Since I read The Hobbit as a kid, and subsequently The Lord of the Rings. My notion of orcs in terms of temperament and character fall most in line with Tolkien orcs, so I guess they are equal parts goblin in their design and characterization. They are my favorite kind of monster, because they have strong roots in folklore, but also have a strong showing in contemporary fantasy.

We have seen some of your work elsewhere — can you tell us what are the challenges of putting this book out yourself? 

Do you mean instead of bringing it to a publisher I’ve worked with? I actually feel like there are more bonuses. Yes, I have to deal with finding a printer and shipping and press packages and submitting to Comixology for the digital version… but I also can set my own schedule and write whatever I want for it, so it’s really very freeing.

Are issues of Orcs! on a limited print run?

No. I found a very reliable small run printer, so when this issue runs out, I’ll probably order up more. But not right away. I’ll probably wait until the next book is out, since there will be a digital copy on Comixology.



BEST OF 2015 over at FORCES OF GEEK!


Clay N Ferno
FOG! Columnist
@claynferno | leaguepodcast.com

Best Movies: Ant-Man, Mad Max: Fury Road, Star Wars: The Force Awakens (duh)
Best TV Shows: Jessica Jones, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Mr. Selfridge, Transparent, Orange is the New Black
Best Books (fiction): Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens Smuggler’s Run: A Han Solo Adventure by Greg Rucka 
Best Video Game: Fallout 4, Arkham Knight
Best Songs: “Infinite Lives” by Mega Ran (RNDM)
Best Albums: RNDM - Mega Ran
Best Music Video: Taylor Swift: Bad Blood
Best Comic Books / Graphic NovelsJupiter’s Circle/Jupiter’s Legacy, Invisible Republic, The Fade Out, Bitch Planet, Midnighter
Best Blu-ray/DVD Release: Ant-Man, Mad Max: Fury Road, Star Wars Digital Collection on iTunes & Disney Movies Anywhere
Most overrated thing about 2015? Mad Max: Fury Road
Most underrated thing about 2015? Amazon Prime video selection
Thing that you were most excited about in 2015? Star Wars, Ant-Man, Stan Lee coming to Boston
Thing that disappointed you most in 2015? Random shootings and violence
Thing that you’re most looking forward to in 2016? Star Wars: Rogue One, Batman V. Superman



Dig Boston and League Podcast Comics Picks of the Week for Wed. January 6, 2016



Uncanny X-Men return with a new #1 from Cullen Bunn (Magneto) with Greg Land on art. This team stars Magneto and Sabertooth at the helm of these baddies that also includes Psylocke and Archangel. … Swamp Thing returns to form with co-creator Len Wein and gorgeous art by Kelley Jones as Alec confronts the forces of dark magic! … Escape from he prison planet as Kelley Sue’s Bitch Planet #6 starts a new arc with guest artist Taki Soma. Are you Non-Compliant? … Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com.

NINTENDO QUEST (review) - Forces Of Geek


There were 678 Nintendo games releases for the Nintendo Entertainment System in North America.

This is the story of lifelong friends issuing a challenge to one another to collect them all in 30 days.

Jay Bartlett is a super-fan of Nintendo and Star Wars, already has most of these games but must start from scratch using his own money and no online purchases in a race against the clock.

Nintendo Quest is the documentation of that journey and the hero’s challenges along the way as real life and anxiety set in as stumbling blocks toward achieving the goal.

Jay Bartlett and friend Rob McCallum (writer/director) have been friends for 30 years.

To channel the thrill of the hunt and also to showcase some great Nintendo trivia and history, Rick started a Kickstarter under the name NES Club. Nintendo Quest is the successful product of a crowdfunded movie, at the very least. They incorporate some great original 8-bit graphics for titles as well as an 8-bit soundtrack to set the mood.



Dig Boston and League Podcast Comics Picks of the Week for Wed. December 30, 2015


That’s not a name I’ve heard in a long time, a long time. Obi-Wan and Anakin #1 has all the midichlorians Episode VII was afraid to give you. … All-New Wolverine #3 is one of our favorite run of these new Marvel books. Tom Taylor’s spotlight on X-23 faces her up against the deadly Taskmaster! … I keep reminding you that Warren Ellis (Moon Knight, Iron Man) is writing THE James Bond 007 book for Dynamite, but you won’t listen. Issue #3 is out today, I guess, but you don’t care. … Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com.

FOG! Chats With Will Tracy and Gabe Koplowitz About ALLEN: SON OF HELLCOCK at FORCES OF GEEK


I was at first skeptical to read yet another brightly colored Conan-sword-tale. With space lasers the fashion this week, this seemed like a step backward back in time to a place I didn’t need to revisit.

And the creators are comedians, and we all know how those people are.

This all came to a climax when Z2 Comics forced me at dagger point to read issue one of their Allen: Son of Hellcock to prepare for an interview with their famous funny people Will Tracy (HBO’s Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, The Onion) and Gabe Koplowitz (VH1).

I finally relented. Mead in hand, I had some questions for these guys because I was only two pages in when I realized this might be the funniest book of the year.

Will and Gabe joined us to answer our questions about the new publisher and disappointing the person that brought you into this world. Allen: Son of Hellcock debuts today in stores and digital comic shops.

FOG!: Will and Gabe — thanks for joining us today, what’s going on these days with Allen: Son of Hellcock? How did this come about? Where do you guys know each other from? Do you even know each other?

Will Tracy: I just met Gabe for the first time literally 15 minutes ago, and I can already tell I’m going to hate him. I think it’s his face, voice, and personality that make him hateable. Also his clothes and his smell and his glasses. And his stupid feet and hands. 

However, on a professional level, we wrote Allen: Son of Hellcock together about, oh, seven or eight years back. And we could not be more thrilled or proud to see it finally unleashed upon the world this Wednesday, December 16th!


Dig Boston and League Podcast Comics Picks of the Week for Wed. December 16, 2015


Something about this movie coming out this week getting everyone’s wizard robes in a bunch! The Darth Vader Annual #1 will give you something to read in line when Fox News shows you getting ready for the thing at 7pm Thursday. Take your first step into a larger world. Mark Millar’s (Kick-Ass, Kingsmen: Secret Service) Huck #2 is the story of a quiet but very sincere superhero, now getting some unwanted attention from the media. …Star Trek Academy #1 might stand a fighting change against the other franchise as we learn more about students joining Starfleet! … Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com.

Dig Boston and League Podcast Comics Picks of the Week for Wed. December 8, 2015


Peter Milligan (Shade the Changing Man) returns to Vertigo with a new #1 for New Romancer. It’s Lord Byron meets Tinder in this comic’s app economy. BKV’s We Stand on Guard #6 concludes the Canadian Cold War season, but is it really the end for the Tim Horton v the Dunkin Donuts crowd? Star Trek / Green Lantern #6 concludes as Starfleet teams up with the Corps to defeat the galaxy’s greatest threat! … Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com.


FOG! Chats With B. CLAY MOORE About His Tiki Noir Masterpiece, HAWAIIAN DICK at FORCES OF GEEK


Aloha, comics fans! As if the embarrassment of riches for comic book properties on TV weren’t enough, one of our favorite creators, B. Clay Moore (Bad Karma, JSA: The Liberty Files, Bloodshot) is exercising options that go beyond choosing a banana hammock or full trunks. 

His first comics creation, Hawaiian Dick is in development at NBC with Johnny Knoxville (Jackass) and we’ll also see morefloppy Hawaiian Dick from Image Comics very soon.

In this, our double-entendre dipped interview with B. Clay we get to hang ten on the new Kickstarter for the 100 page hardcover, Great Big Hawaiian Dick. 

Get out a tiki glass and enjoy a tall glass of Hawaiian Dick on this cold winter day.

FOG!: Aloha, B. Clay! Thanks for joining us today to chat about Great Big Hawaiian Dick! We can’t avoid the Hollywood news. Tell us about Hawaiian Dick on TV!

B. Clay Moore: NBC has picked up the rights to Hawaiian Dick, and we’re in the process of developing it right now. 

Writers Paul Lovett and David Elliott are working on the pilot script as we speak. Among others, Johnny Knoxville is on board to produce the show. Knoxville was attached to Hawaiian Dick years ago when the film rights were optioned by New Line, so getting him back on board was big.

How long have you been sitting on this news yourself?

Well, we’ve been working on the television stuff for about a year and a half. Things really came together in the past two or three months. It’s always hard to sit on news you’re happy to report, though.

On to the Kickstarter — is this a new adventure for Byrd?

This is actually a series of stories starring Byrd and the supporting cast that we’ve introduced over the years, as well as a variety of pieces by various artists. While I wrote most of the stories, I invited some friends to contribute their takes, as well.




Dig Boston and League Podcast Comics Picks of the Week for Wed. December 2, 2015



Back to the world of NYC, Daredevil #1 puts lawyer Matt Murdock in the DA’s seat as DD gets a new costume. Written by Charles Soule, an actual lawyer and actual (gasp) professional comic book writer! … We’re huge fans of Nathan Edmondson’s creepy Jake Ellis espionage book as Where Is Jake Ellis? #5 of 5 wraps up today. The voice in your head is real! … Before comics were the pulp heroes of yesteryear and Doc Savage was the Batman meets Indiana Jones of his day. Doc Savage Spiders Web #1 from Chris Roberson (iZombie) unravels the web of the past today! … Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com.

Kickstarter Korner! Chatting With Dan Parent About DIE KITTY DIE! at FORCES OF GEEK


You all know Dan Parent and Fernando Ruiz even if you think you don’t! Dan and Fernando have been taking care of the Archie Comics characters for years now and this Kickstarter Korner is dedicated to their latest creator owned project,Die Kitty Die!

By the time you read this on Wednesday, they’ve reached their goal, but that doesn’t mean you can’t contribute. On the contrary, the model for this Kickstarter is that the rewards get better as the stretch grows.

Dan took the time to talk to us today about this very exciting new universe of characters and the world of Kitty Ravencraft, comic book hero and real life witch who is being hunted down by her greedy comic book publisher in Die Kitty Die!

FOG!: Dan, congratulations on the funding, it looks like it is going pretty well so far!

Dan Parent: Yeah, we’re at 71% (at time of interview) which is pretty good for our third day! We want to hit our goal but we want to go over because we are going to add more incentives, we’ll add pages to the book. The more money, the better the project gets.

Tell those out there that don’t know, what is Die Kitty Die!?

Die Kitty Die! is about a comic book character, who in our universe has been around for a long time and her sales are low. Her publisher asks, “What are we going to do to generate publicity or sales? We’ve got to kill her off”!

In our world it’s a little different because in our world the characters are also real. So, they have to really bump her off. 

Not just bump her off in the story, they really have to get rid of her.

Things get a little more complicated because Kitty is a witch, so how do you kill a witch?


Dig Boston and League Podcast Comics Picks of the Week for Wed. November 25, 2015




Mark Millar (Kick-Ass, Wanted, Kingsman: Secret Service) continues his own Golden Age comics history with Jupiter’s Circle Vol. 2 #1, recommended for fans of Mad Men, The Monkees and Batman ‘66. Read more over here. It’s the end of an era as Witchblade has a final issue after an impressive 27 year and 185 issue #1. Say so long to Sara Pezzini with this double size FINAL ISSUE. …Malcolm Dragon faces the most intense enemy of all - Marriage! Malcolm gets married in issue #209 of Savage Dragon. … Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com.