Dig Boston and League Podcast Comics Picks of the Week for Wed. April 20, 2015





Awww, Shucks! Donald Duck is ready to be a private dick but will Uncle Scrooge and the nephews get in the way? Check out Donald Duck #1!  She-Hulk leads the ladies into the breech with A-Force #1 series debut that is already causing quite a stir! A-Force is written by Ms. Marvel scribe and Dig emeritus — the lovely G. Willow Wilson! … We can’t pretend not to care about the end of The Ultimate Marvel Universe in Ultimate End #1… Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com!

Dig Boston and League Podcast Comics Picks of the Week for Wed. May 12, 2015



Last week was Star Wars week, so this week, we popped in Guardians of the Galaxy to come down from that Force high. This week, Peter Quill aka Legendary Star Lord has 12% of a plan in issue #12 as he is still reeling from the Black Vortex. Mark Waid’s Insufferable first took tablets by storm in Thrillbent app chapters, now the social media star Galahad and his old school partner Nocturnus come to IDW in Insufferable #1, glad to see more people will enjoy one of my favorite comics of 2014. Cullen Bunn and Tyler Crook from The Sixth Gun give you an Southern Gothic horror story focused on paranormal activity in Harrow County #1. … Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com!

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Adam Egypt Mortimer is a filmmaker, author and co-creator of Black Mack Studio’s Ballistic with Transmetropolitan’sDarick RobertsonBlack Mask just reloaded a clip in the form of a beautiful looking trade with the first arc featuring repairman Butch and his sentient Gun.

Adam hops aboard the Cosmic Treadmill today to talk about garbage island that is our dystopian Repo City State and how it might feel to have an addictive personality lodged into your gun as you battle the cities fiercest gangsters.

FOG!: Thanks for Joining us today, Adam! Black Mask Studios just released the trade for Ballistic by you and The legendary Darick Robertson (The Boys, Transmetropolitan, Happy). How did you guys meet?

Adam Egypt Mortimer: I met him at San Diego Comic-Con! We were both drinking late at night at the Hyatt bar — this was years ago when they still had an outdoor patio, before the eventual death crush of overcrowding forced them to shut down that whole scene. Darick and I wound up chatting, he introduced himself — this was back when he and I both still lived in New York. He was in Williamsburg at the time and I made fun of him for it. 

Somehow that brought us together and we started hanging out a lot in New York, hanging in bars together, talking life, the universe, and comics. Many years later — at another Comic-Con — I pitched him the idea of Ballistic and he fell in love with the bat-winged cars.




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Dig Boston and League Podcast Comics Picks of the Week for Wed. May 6, 2015



Forget Hitchhikers’ Guide, the real crazy happened in Douglas Adams’ Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency #1 from IDW. Dirk arrives in San Diego and hopefully doesn’t have to deal with a horse in his stairwell! … Frank heads back to L.A to do what he does best, #punishment in Punisher #18. The nerd starter kit starts here with Valiant Universe Handbook 2015! For the secret origins of all of your favorite Valiant heroes past and present! OHOTMU Beware! … Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com!


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FOG! Chats With DES TAYLOR About SCARLETT COUTURE, Comics' High Fashion Super-Spy at FORCES OF GEEK

You might recognize the work of British artist Des Taylor from Titan Comic’s Doctor Who covers and his unique Despop illustrative style found also in Cosmopolitan, FHM and many more high end clients.

His full-length comics include leading ladies The Infamous Katie Rogers and The Vesha Valentine Story.  He continues the tradition of sexy and deadly femme fatales with his latest Titan book, Scarlett Couture

Des joins us to take a ride on the Cosmic Treadmill to tell us skinny on his latest lady spy mini-series!

FOG!: Thanks for joining us today, Des! We’ve been enjoying your Titan Doctor Who covers. Tell us how Scarlett came to be!

Des Taylor: I explored the world of fashion with Katie Rogers (my first book) and gradually started to get a feel for Scarlett’s world.  Around then the show Alias was running and I was hugely inspired. 

Later that year at a party for Cosmo, the character and all the other elements fell into place when I saw a group of girls walking past security and into the VIP area to get to a celebrity football player. I thought to myself,“What if that was some sort of Billionaire Criminal… and the CIA needed to gain access to him to plant a bug? What better way than a group of supermodels that can placate his ego… and at the same time plant the device on him?” 

I went home that night and penciled the character that night.

I needed a better name though. Something that combined fashion and action. I started with the name Suzy Fortune (named after a friend from college) but it was only after I watched the Devil Wears Prada and a scene that mentioned the “Couture collection” that light bulbs started off in my head. 

I always wanted to name my daughter Scarlett after the beautiful actress Scarlett O’Hara.

Thus, Scarlett Couture was born back in 2005.

In 2012, I had a daughter which we named Scarlett.

Stylistically, this book is a bit different. How do you achieve the look of the book with computer illustration, yet with a natural feel to the action?

I literally work like an animator putting every element on separate layers in the PSD file. That way I can be more versatile and move layers around, create depth of field and add effects. Steve White (Editor in Chief) once said it looks like animation stills put together to tell a story, which is the desired effect.

Scarlett is a second generation spy, will we hear more of her parent’s origin?

The way I’ve set up this first book is to introduce the main characters to the reading audience and set up the scenario for a future story. In Series One of Scarlett Couture I just wanted to touch on certain elements that will make the story more engrossing down the line. Scarlett’s mother’s past is one of the main stories that will test Scarlett’s psyche, resolve and trust.

It is hard not to fall in love with Scarlett, but yet she is tough and has a lot of skills. Do you think it is a challenge for people to write female action heroes? My favorite characters on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. are Agents May, Skye and Bobbi because they are smart and kick-ass.

It is hard to write female action heroes because most action writers and artists are male.

I remember a friend of mine asking me if I was watching 24 one year. I told him no, I was too into Alias. I showed him a scene of Sydney Bristow fighting a bad guy and he laughed his head off when she took a kick to the face. “No woman would stand after that kick” he remarked. I later asked him “ Wouldn’t you be proud to have a woman that could fight like that?”

He answered “Are you crazy? No man wants a woman that can kick his ass!” 

Maybe he was right. What woman (apart from Gina Carano or Ronda Rousey of course) would stand there and trade blows with some muscle-bound meathead ?

Why can’t she be a thinker? Instead of Kickboxing and Tae Kwon Do, why can’t she use close quarter martial arts like Wing Chun and Aikido? Or learn to fight and run with Ninjutsu?

Those two moments stuck with me and helped when defining Scarlett’s character. 

I also remember a conversation with a film producer at SDCC back in 2009. When I asked him why aren’t there more female action stars or female lead action blockbusters like Die Hard and Bourne.




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Dig Boston and League Podcast Comics Picks of the Week for Wed. April 29, 2015


Daredevil #15 pits the Netflix sensation Matt Murdock up against an old foe. Hey if you like the show, check out Mark Waid & Chris Samnee’s crimson Defender. …Avengers: Age of Ultron is this weekend! Scarlet Witch guest stars in this week’s S.H.I.E.L.D. #5 also by Mark Waid and drawn by Chris Sprouse(Tom Strong)! Comics Legends return to Convergence: Detective Comics #1 as Huntress and Dick Grayson decide who will become the next Batman. A Wein/Cowan/Sienkiewicz joint! … Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com!


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Kickstarter Korner: Jamal Igle Brings Back MOLLY DANGER For Book 2! at FORCES OF GEEK


Molly “the princess of finesse” is a powered 10 year old, who has been a 10 year old for two decades. There are plenty of unanswered questions after the first book, and fans are eager for the answers!

The Kickstarter campaign has already launched and is live through Sunday, May 17th.

FOG!: Thanks for joining us, Jamal! We’re pumped to see this Kickstarter go live, and of course it is always a pleasure to check in with you. How are things?

Jamal Igle: I’m good, just busy as usual. I’m still finishing up some work for various publishers while running the Kickstarter, so it’s my standard juggling act.

For those that don’t know — care to tell fans what is so special about Molly Danger? I mean besides being an inspirational pre-teen hero for all ages?

Molly is a girl who seems to have it all: Fame, fortune, superpowers but underneath that she’s a very lonely girl.

Her seeming immortality keeps her separate from the average person.

While she loves her life, she wonders what it would be like to be normal.

So for me, Molly is an awesome opportunity for me to explore a character who is searching for her self.

It’s a lot of fun to explore.

We all can understand a busy workload — how is it balancing Action Lab Entertainment responsibilities with working on this new volume of Molly Danger?

Like I was saying before, at this point I’m used to it. 

My freelance workload is easily as heavy, but working on Molly isn’t a chore, or a job, its personal. That makes the late nights and all of the logistics for putting a project like this together worth it.



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Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo (C2E2) is this week and Dynamite Entertainment gave us an inside scoop about some upcoming announcements.

At the top of the stack is today’s solicitation for the complete creative team for the July’s new ongoing Will Eisner’s The Spirit written by Matt Wagner and drawn by Dan Schkade (San Hannibal). Also, notably, keep on the lookout for some amazing covers by Alex Ross, The Goon’s Eric Powell and so many more.

Of course Matt is most well known for such classics as Grendel, Mage, Sandman Mystery Theatre and a number of memorable Batman stories — my favorite being Batman: Faces (Legends of the Dark Knight). 

Recently at Dynamite he has taken on Green Hornet, Zorro and The Shadow—so no one was surprised at Matt being assigned to scribe Eisner’s The Spirit.

Well, maybe Matt was, and he is here to join us and tell us about it!

FOG!: Matt, thanks for joining us today! The Spirit ongoing is exciting news, and we’re excited you are the one to take it on, though you’ve mentioned that even for you this is intimidating! What made you relent to the requests to take on Denny Colt?

Matt Wagner: Well, I’ve been a big fan of both Eisner and The Spirit for many, many years. As a result of my reverence for both the creator and the property, I at first said, “No” when Dynamite offered me the chance to write an all-new relaunch in honor of the character’s 75th anniversary. 

But both Dynamite publisher Nick Barrucci and their Editor-in-Chief Joe Rybandt were both persistent in getting me on board; “We think you’re perfect for this gig!” Eventually, they broke through my resistance and now I’m happy they did.

When did you first get inspired by Eisner or The Spirit?

I first discovered The Spirit via the over-sized, B&W reprints from Warren Publications in the mid 70s. 





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Dig Boston and League Podcast Comics Picks of the Week for Wed. April 22, 2015



Chewie, we’re home! If your force is all aflutter, check out this scruffy looking nerf herder variant cover for Star Wars #4 starring Han and a walking carpet. … All-new, all-old Wonder Woman in Convergence Wonder Woman #1 from G.I. Joe scribe Larry Hama. What’s Convergence? Who cares? Larry Hama writing Diana Prince. *twirl, twirl*! … Super villain Golgoth has conquered the world, but can he maintain his reign? Find out in Waid and Kitson’s Empire Uprising #1, the followup to the hit Empire series. … Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com!

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Its back to basics for this comics reporter this week with a throwback Thursday Triple-Shot!

What’s better than some single issue comic reviews to get you out to the store this week and enjoy that spring weather. Matt Hawkins (Top Cow President, Think Tank) safecracks his way into a mega-church with The Tithe #1 and Larry Hama (G.I. Joe, Wolverine) takes on Batman and the classic Dark Knight substitute Azrael in Convergence: Shadow of the Bat #1.

The fine folks over at Dark Horse let us have a sneak peak at Cullen Bunn’s Harrow County #1, mentioned in our interview a few weeks ago!


WRITER: Matt Hawkins
ART:  Rahsan Ekedal

Publication Date: April 15, 2015
Price: $3.99
Publisher: Top Cow/Image Comics
UPC: 70985301875900111
Buy it HERE

The Tithe refers to the 10% donation of wages donated to a church or religious organization. Actually, there’s a verb form of that word as well as a noun, and the tradition is ancient so don’t come after me with pitchforks if I’m only slightly correct!

Last year, we talked with Top Cow President Matt Hawkins about his spy-fi comic Think Tank. I enjoy listening to Matt’s views on comics creation and running the Top Cow brand in various podcasts and interviews.

Matt and artist Rahsan are at it again with The Tithe. Three armed robbers invade one of those Disney mega-churches at Sunday mass in Jesus masks.

In the front of house, a young lady highjacks the television screens a la ‘Anonymous’ with images of the pastor Miles Tibett in ungodly compromising positions and spending the churches’ money on extravagances. This organization is called “SAMARITAN” on the teleprompter signoff.

This is at the heart a great heist story, with religion and mega-churches as the playground. The FBI investigates SAMARITAN and other misallocated and tax-free accounting from the church with two very cool and opposite leads. Dwayne Campbell, a Baptist and believer is a family man. His partner Jimmy is a younger dude, a ‘hacker’ (apologies, not even Mr. Hawkins has a better name for this kind of computer savvy security breaching tech nerd gone good) and an atheist.

As what follows traditionally in Matt’s creator-owned books are some essays, behind the scenes to his research and a bit on his background as a former churchgoer turned atheist.




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Dig Boston and League Podcast Comics Picks of the Week for Wed. April 15, 2015




Velvet #10 concludes Brubaker & Epting’s (Captain America) second arc of the lady super spy - highly recommended for female for fans of Agent Carter! … Sabrina the Teenage Witch #2 puts a dark and evil spin on the Archie character in this reimagining. Recommended for everyone, especially the goth girl inside of us all! The Arashikage are after Snake-Eyes and that means Storm Shadow in Snake-Eyes Agent of Cobra #4 (of 5). … Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com!


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The Revolution with be immortalized in The Order of The Forge coming from Dark Horse later this month.

In the tradition of super-sizing some of our past presidents with powers of the dark arts (see Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter), crime author Victor Gischler (Ink Mage, Spike, Angel and Faith, Sally of the Wasteland) joins us to talk about our founding fathers in a new way.

Starring a pre-Revolution Geo. Washington with pals Paul Revere and “Baudy” Ben Franklin — The Order of the Forge is coming at you by land and sea!

FOG!: Thanks for joining us, Victor! You’ve got a new take on a founding father with The Order of The Forge at Dark Horse. How did you come aboard on Donn D. Berdahl’s original concept?

Victor Gischler: Well, I guess they needed a writer to implement this great idea they had, and Dark Horse editor Dan Chabon suggested I might fit the bill. They wanted to take their story in a pulpy, irreverent direction, and a lot of my work suggest I’m the sort of fellow who can do that. I was just lucky that I’d worked with Dan on a couple of previous projects, so he knew what my strengths were.

I’m a big fan of alternate history. Would you like to go back and hang with George, Paul and Ben?

Not really. It turns out they didn’t have air conditioning back then. Also the toilet paper was not the best. Also, my guess is that the guys I depict in the comic are a lot more colorful than our actual founding fathers — although I’ve heard Ben Franklin was something of a party animal.

I suppose I couldn’t really say no to a time travel adventure if I had the chance. Although whenever I watch a time travel movie that shit NEVER goes right.





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Dig Boston and League Podcast Comics Picks of the Week for Wed. April 8, 2015



Brian Michael Bendis is ending the longest Spider-Man run in history as universes collide in Marvel’s Secret Wars. Miles Morales Ultimate Spider-Man #12 caps off the Ultimate Spidey universe after 15 years. The Mad Men-esque prequel to Mark Millar and Frank Quietly’s Jupiter’s Legacy starts today in Jupiter’s Circle #1. The Fox #1 kicks off a new ongoing from Dark Circle creators Mark Waid and Dean Haspiel—a superhero series for all ages 8-80! … Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com!


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DAREDEVIL: YELLOW: Preparation For The Netflix Premiere at FORCES OF GEEK



Digital comics retailer Comixology anticipated my heightened amplitude and heard my heartbeat though my chest in anticipation of Marvel’s Daredevil next week.

Comixology had a Daredevil sale and I revisited Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale’s Daredevil: Yellow (2001). The all-star creative team was finished off by Matt Hollingsworth on colors and Richard Starkings with Wes Abbott on letters. Ask your LCS for a hard copy.

In preparation to mainline 12 hours of television next week (over a couple of days, I’m not entirely nuts!) I pulled Yellow and some other books off of the virtual shelf to get ready for Marvel’s first binge-worthy endeavor.

And until ‘binge-worthy’ is decreed out of the lexicon for being cringe-worthy, I’ll continue to use the word. Order in the court! Sustained!



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Dig Boston and League Podcast Comics Picks of the Week for Wed. April 1, 2015






Way back in the day, we interviewed Chris Lewis about Drones #1, today IDW re-releases the Las Vegas style War book. It’s like your favorite basement band being picked up by your favorite label! … Jasons Aaron and Latour keep up the gut wrenching ball busting hazing in the high school football locker room with Southern Bastards #8 closing the chapter of the second arc of the evil ‘Coach Boss’. Longstanding innovative fantasy comic Elfquest: The Final Quest Vol. 1 continues tales of Chief Cutter and his Wolfriders. … Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com!


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FOG! Chats With CULLEN BUNN about THE SIXTH GUN: DUST TO DUST - Forces of Geek



Interview conducted by Clay N Ferno
The Sixth Gun is headed toward its final issues but the legacy of the Western will live on.

Before the close of the final The Sixth Gun ongoing series at issue #50, Cullen Bunn explores the story of one of the more important and favored characters of the book, Billjohn O’Henry in the latest mini-series The Sixth Gun: Dust to Dust from Oni Press.

You’re Darn Tootin’ we were able to wrangle some precious time from the very busy Cullen (Hellbreak, Empty Man, Magneto, Brides of Helheim to name a few!) to tell us about Dust To Dust with art by Tyler Crookm as well as another upcoming project.

The Sixth Gun: Dust to Dust can be best described as Lovecraft meets the Spaghetti Western. Issue #2 comes out April 15, so don’t forget to tell your LCS to order some more of this three issue mini and the trades while you are at it!

FOG!: Cullen, thanks for joining us today! Issue #1 of The Sixth Gun: Dust to Dust is out, starring favorite bounty hunter Billjohn O’Henry. Why go back to this, the story of Billjohn?

Cullen Bunn: Thanks for talking with me! Billjohn O’Henry, the star of The Sixth Gun: Dust to Dust, is near and dear to me, so I love talking about the book! Billjohn is my favorite character in the series, but we’ve seen so little of his life before his adventure with Drake Sinclair began. I thought it might be nice to take a look at the man before he got himself turned into a mud golem!















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FOG! Chats With Cartoonist SCOTT McCLOUD About 'THE SCULPTOR' (interview PART 2)


Interview conducted by Clay N Ferno


In 1984, Scott McCloud established a name for himself with his creator owned series, Zot!, receiving a number of Harvey and Eisner award nominations.  He brought Zot! to an end in 1990, after 36 issues.

McCloud returned to comics in 1993 with his book, Understanding Comics, which established him as a comics theorist, presenting a definition, history, vocabulary, and methods of the medium of comics in the form of a graphic novel.  He went on to write two additional books on theory including Reinventing Comics and Making Comics, as writing several Superman Stories and a graphic novel, The New Adventures of Abraham Lincoln.

Last month, Sony Pictures acquired the movie rights to Scott McCloud’s newest creation The Sculptor, his first full length graphic novel.

The Sculptor tells the story of artist David Smith, who makes a deal with Death to sculpt anything he can imagine with his bare hands.  After learning that he only has 200 days to live, and suddenly discovering the love of his life makes the decision of what to create harder than he thought.

The comic book scholar and auteur, McCloud, took some time with us to talk the comic creation process beyond his books in the Understanding Comics and his creator owned Zot! series.

Scott also questions the carbon date of The Golden Age of comics. Was that in the past or are we living it today?

FOG!: Thank you so much for joining us to talk about your book. Your books have formed my college years and were part of my curriculum and really helped me understand the language of comics and even more-so, the possibilities of what comics can be. Thanks for giving us the tools and the language to talk about comics like that.

Scott McCloud: That’s encouraging to hear because it has always been about potential.

Even since I was very young, about what comics can do. That has loomed a lot larger for me than what they have done.

I have always hoped that we had greater things in the future than in the past.

A lot of people are very nostalgic about comics, for them it is about celebrating the wondrous Golden Age — I don’t know, I think The Golden Age is now.

It is always good to be looking at the present and to the future for sure. Did you grow up here (Boston, MA)?

I was born in the area, Lexington, MA. I lived there for the first eighteen years of my life. My family had that house for six years when I was born and had it for another 6 or 7 after I left.

How did you get into comics? Were they always part of your life when you were growing up as a kid and that fostered you into wanting to be a creator?

I was a real snooty little kid. I read real books and I turned down my nose at comics.

People are going to be surprised at that!

At the age of 12 or so, I thought I was too old for comics. I had seen some superhero comics at friend’s houses and it just didn’t do it for me. I was sitting there reading Arthur C. Clarke or Tolkien. I was into Ben Bova at one point, Asimov. Stuff like comics seemed to be crudely drawn. I just wasn’t into that stuff.

But I was friends with a guy named Kurt Busiek in middle school. Kurt and I played chess and billiards. He would come over after school to escape his father who kept giving him pointless jobs to do.



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Cosmic Treadmill: Black Mask Studios' CRITICAL HIT #1-4 (review) at FORCES OF GEEK


Matt Miner (Toe Tag Riot) follows up his animal activist comic Liberator from Black Mask Studios with a spin-off starring Jeanette and Sarah on their own adventures.

Pre-orders for the collected edition are being sorted for the May release of Volume 1, so Earth Crisis and pit bull fans should get the word to the LCS.


Black Mask Studios recently launched a new YouTube channel for ‘tubecomics’ — motion comics versions of your favorites, including a prequel for Critical Hit with Liberator - tubecomic episode 1.1.

Jeanette and Sarah’s adventures aren’t always legal and they definitely aren’t safe, and this first volume of Critical Hit exposes the real risks and dangers of sticking it to the man!

Issue #1 starts out with our protagonists going hard on an ‘action’, smashing vehicles and invading cabins in the woods. The cabins are for deer hunters in the area, and Jeanette and Sarah do their best to destroy the camp with a firestorm.



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Dig Boston and League Podcast Comics Picks of the Week for Wed. March 25, 2015



Truly Outrageous! That’s right, Jem is back with her Holograms in a brand new #1. Facing the neon and non-devilock sporting Misfits, girls and boys will be stoked on the fashion, music and comic fun for the modern age! … Continuing our Hasbro theme, how about jumping on to Transformers: Windblade Combiner Wars #1 as Windblade defends her homeworld. …Not to be forgotten from this IDW toy-based comic celebration is Snake-Eyes in Agent of Cobra #3! What, did we think Hasbro would send the Dig Offices a crate of free toys for all of these plugs? I dunno—did we? … Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com!



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Dig Boston and League Podcast Comics Picks of the Week for Wed. March 18, 2015



Like spies, jetpacks, and the glamor of a Hollywood stuntman? Look no further than all of Dave Stevens original comics for The Rocketeer are presented this week in trade form from IDW. … Mark Millar’s (Kick-Ass, Civil War) latest Chrononauts #1 with Sean Murphy (Punk Rock Jesus) telling the tale of the first televised trip through the time stream! … Crockett & Tubbs are back, reimagined by Joe Casey and Jim Mafood for Lion Forge Comics’ Miami Vice Remix #1. …Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com!



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